Summary of Prop 36

Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 by CSULB Nursing Student Editors in

The Proposition 36 -- Three Strikes Law. Sentencing for Repeat Felony Offenders. Initiative Statute -- is updated/submitted on July 18, 2012 available for voters to see online, Legislative Analyst's office website.

Proposition 36 Background + Proposal + Effects

The link above will direct you to more information about this ballot including the summary of fiscal impact, background, proposal, and the thorough explanations of a Yes/No statement measures.  This link contains the legal content of the Proposition 36 as well as other ballots of 2012.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Is this link an actual letter to propose the ballot?

  1. SEAJIN -- CSULB Editor says:

    The link above on the post is the basic summary of the ballot. The letter to request the ballot by Dan Newman can be downloaded through the link below:

    This PDF file contains approximately 800 kb, which takes a long time to upload. Please be patient if you'd like to take a look at the actual letter.