What is it mean to say YES to Prop 36?

Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2012 by CSULB Nursing Student Editors in

YES vote means:

"Some criminal offenders with two prior serious or violent felony convictions who commit certain nonserious, non-violent felonies would be sentenced to shorter terms in state prison. In addition, some offenders with two prior serious or violent felony convictions who are currently serving life sentences for many nonserious, non-violent felony convictions could be resentenced to shorter prison terms. (Legislative Analyst's Office, 2012)

The YES vote promotes for the punishment to fit the crime -- ensuring that non-violent offenders are not a continuing drain on valuable State resources that could be utilized effectively in other areas that are in need.


  1. Unknown says:

    Thank you for this clarification; I find it much easier to understand this prop by reading this then the actual prop. I think we should definitely vote yes on this because we certainly are spending too much money on long prison terms, while we could use those resources in something more beneficial for the public, such as education, good nutrition, and safe energy production.

  1. SEAJIN -- CSULB Editor says:

    Thanks for your input Claudia, and yes, the actual Prop. could be very long and confusing to understand